Alexis Lovell

Mr. Lovell is an experienced investor and business leader responsible for negotiating several prominent and large  transactions including;

  • the largest Telecommunication Sell Side Advisory Asia,  Transaction Value US$2.6b.
  • Largest Real Estate Transaction United Kingdom Stg  500 million.
  • Largest Healthcare Sale Middle East. Sell Side  Advisory US$ 750m.
  • Placement of US$100 Million of Union Bank Shares to  TPG
  • Sale of AMW Group to Al-Futtaim Middle East. Mr. Lovell obtained a Post Graduate Degree in Business from  Curtin University Australia. He is also a member of the  Chartered Institute of Management Accountants UK and Fellow  of Australian Marketing Institute. Positions held by him were Chairman, Union Bank of Colombo  PLC, Chairman, UB Finance Ltd and Chairman, Kapital Corp  International (Pvt) Ltd.