Home > Center for Quality Assurance
The Center for Quality Assurance at SLTC is committed to create and sustain a culture of excellence of education provision to achieve overall satisfaction of stakeholders making the campus to be Globally Recognized
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Be a Centre of Excellence in Quality Assurance Making the University to be Globally Recognized
The goal of CQA is to create and sustain a culture of excellence of education provision of SLTC to achieve overall satisfaction of stakeholders making the campus to be Globally Recognized
SLTC QA Framework

News and Events

Empowering Futures with SkillUp Sri Lanka at Holy Family Convent,...

SLTC at the launch of the National Career Guidance Podcast,...

Higher Education Pathways & Career Guidance Seminar at Panadura Divisional...
QA Organogram

CQACenter for Quality Assurance
QACQuality Assurance Cell
FoEFaculty Of Engineering
FoTFaculty Of Technology
FoITFaculty Of IT and Computing
FoBMFaculty Of Business Management
FoSFaculty Of Science
DoMDepartment of Music
SPSRSchool of Postgraduate Studies and Research
Head CQA
The goal of CQA is to create and sustain a culture of excellence of education provision of SLTC to achieve overall satisfaction of stakeholders making the campus to be Globally Recognized
- Develop regulations for the CQA
- Prepare operational guidelines for the CQA in accordance with the general guidelines developed by QAC of the NSHED (Non-State Higher Education Division) of the MoE and customized for the SLTC’s governance structure/ organogram and specific implementation arrangement.
- Develop a strategic plan for the CQA
- Develop the annual work plan for the CQA
- Develop an annual budget for QA activities
- Ensure that the CQA is established on the SLTC website
- Report regularly on QA activities and progress to NSHED
- Circulate notices of QA activities to the SLTC community
- Conduct awareness programs on QA
- Initiate and support the preparation of SER for Institutional Reviews
- Motivate and support study programs to prepare SERs for program reviews.
- Provide necessary training and workshops for Self-Assessment Report (SER) preparation.
- Motivate and support academic staff to showcase best practices in QA.
- Develop relationships and liaise with international agencies and universities on QA activities
- Support academic staff in the process of preparing proposals for the conduct of new degree programs, and ensure that applications submitted to the NSHED for approval in this regard are compliant with the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework.
- Report on the SLTC’s QA activities to the NSHED
- Submit an Annual Report of the CQA to NSHED
- Convene and facilitate all meetings of the CQA and EQACs
- Assist manual preparation on QA aspects
- Make available to all staff and external stakeholders the results of external and internal reviews, including student surveys.
Responsibilities and Duties of QAC
- To promote quality enhancement activities within the Faculty/Unit liaising with the Curriculum & Academic Development Committee (or its equivalent), Teaching Learning Committee, and other Faculty Committees and Departments.
- To liaise with the Centre for Quality Assurance of SLTC, in facilitating the conduct of Institutional Review and Programme Reviews in the Faculty.
- To prepare documents necessary for Institutional and Programme Reviews.
- To facilitate the implementation of follow-up actions recommended in Institution/ Programme/Subject Review reports, and monitor progress in their implementation.
- To liaise with Faculty QA Cells in other Faculties/Institutes/Campus within the SLTC, to share good practices and enhance the quality of higher education in Sri Lanka.
- To collate and analyze Faculty QA data such as peer review forms and student feedback forms.
- To devise and suggest additional QA measures or changes to the existing measures, based on the data collected on various QA indicators such as peer feedback student evaluation reports, and external reviews
Head CQA
Faculty QA coordinators
Faculty of Engineering
Ms. Thilini Wirajika
Faculty of Technology
Dr. Ruwanga Amarasinghe
Faculty of Science
Dr. Amila Vayangani
Faculty of IT and Computing
Mr. Isuru Supasan
Faculty of Business Management
Mr. Himaru Nimantha
QA Coordinator
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