Ms. Rashmi Amarathunga
Ms. Rashmi Amarathunga joined the Software Engineering Department at Sri Lanka Technology Campus as a Demonstrator. She is nearing the completion of her BSc (Hons) in Information Technology in Software Engineering at Sri Lanka Technology Campus. She also obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration General degree from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. She has completed an internship at Bitzify (PVT) LTD as a Software Engineer Intern. Currently, she has keen interests in machine learning, natural language processing and software quality assurance.
Academic/Professional Qualifications
BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering
BSc Business Administration General, University of Sri Jayewardhenapura

Ms. Rashmi AmarathungaDesignation
Software EngineeringRESEARCH INTERESTS
Machine Learning, NLP
Software Quality Assurance