Home > Hansani Millewa

Ms. Hansani Millewa

Hansani Millewa joined the Department of Textile, Fashion, and Clothing Technology, Faculty of Science, at Sri Lanka Technology Campus as a teaching assistant.  She holds a degree in Bachelor of Industrial Studies (Hons) under the specialization of Fashion Design & Product Development from Open University Sri Lanka. She has nearly a year of hands-on experience in the apparel industry. Her career journey includes working as a backstage intern at Colombo Fashion Week 2022.  Prior to joining SLTC, she served as a garment technologist intern at Brandix Essentials Ratmalana.

Academic/Professional Qualifications

BIS(Hons) in fashion Design & Product Development

Ms. Hansani Millewa
Ms. Hansani Millewa
Teaching Assistant
Fashion & Textile


Fashion Marketing
Product development
Pattern making
Concept Development