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Mr. Dharshana Bandarathilake
H.M.D.P Bandarathilake joined SLTC in 2018 as a Research Assistant .He graduated from university of Kelaniya B.Sc. (Special) in Pure Mathematics and Applied mathematics specialization in 2015. He obtained his Master degree in Industrial Mathematics from Postgraduate Institute of Science of University of Peradeniya in 2018. Bandarathilake is currently reading for the Master of Philosophy degree in university of Peradeniya.
Academic/Professional Qualifications
BSc in Mathematics (Sp.) - University of Kelaniya
MSc in Industrial Mathematics - University of Peradeniya.

Mr. Dharshana BandarathilakeDesignation
Postgraduate Studies and ResearchRESEARCH INTERESTS
Differential Equations
Stochastic Differential Equations
Stochastic Analysis
Mathematical Modeling