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Dr. Chamith Chandrarathna
S.R. Chamith Chandrarathna was born in Kegalle, Sri Lanka. He received a B.Sc. Special Degree in Physics from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, in 2010 and the Telecommunication and Engineering Higher Diploma Degree from the Sri Lanka Telecom Training Centre in 2008. He received (MSc and Ph.D.) degree in the School of Electronics and Information, Kyung Hee University, Korea, in 2023.
Academic/Professional Qualifications
Physic Special Degree, University of Kelaniya. Sri Lanka.
Tech, Dep, Srilaka Telecom Traning Centre, Walisara.
(MSc + Ph.D) in ELetronics and Convergence Engineering, Kyung Hee University, South Korea.

Dr. Chamith ChandrarathnaDesignation
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)Area
Electrical EngineeringRESEARCH INTERESTS
Power Management System
Energy Harvesting
Integrated Circuit (IC) Design