Ms. Asanka Rathnayake
Ms. Asanka Rathnayake joined SLTC Research University in 2022 and currently working as a lecturer attached to the Department of Environmental Studies. She obtained her first degree from the University of Kelaniya, Faculty of science in the specialization of Environmental Conservation and Management. Also she completed her Master of Science in Environmental Management, University of Moratuwa, Faculty of Engineering in Department of Civil Engineering. She is a former Environmental Officer of Central Environmental Authority(CEA), Sri Lanka (2017 – 2022). During her tenure in CEA, she engaged with issuance of Environment Protection Licenses and Environmental Approvals by following Environmental Impact Assessment/Initial Environement Examination for numerous industries in Sri Lanka. Her professional focus centers on the advancement of sustainable practices within industries in Sri Lanka through extensive research encompassing aspects such as Life Cycle Assessments(LCA), carbon footprint verification,climate change mitigation and cleaner production alternatives.
Academic/Professional Qualifications
Master of Science in Environmental Management, University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka. BSc in Environmental Management (Honors), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Member of Institute of Environmental Professionals in Sri Lanka (IEPSL) Member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) Member of Institute of Biology (IOB) in Sri Lanka.

Ms. Asanka RathnayakeDesignation
Environmental StudiesRESEARCH INTERESTS
Aquatic Environmental Science
Life Cycle Assessments and Modelling
Carbon Footprint Assessment
Circular Economy Assessment